Dedicated to saving the wild tiger
The Fund for the Tiger has raised over $1.4 million in funds that go directly to where it’s needed most in India and Nepal.
The Fund For The Tiger is based on the conviction that it would be unconscionable to allow the tiger to disappear from the forests and jungles of Asia. The tiger is on the verge of extinction and international awareness, concern, and resources must be mobilized.
No animal has been graced with a greater aura of power and majesty, both in myth and reality, than the tiger. Ironically it is this prodigious mantle of respect which is threatening to lead it down an immutable path to extinction.
"...but when the last individual of a race of
living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again."
—William Beebe
In partnership with:
The Plight of the Tiger
The tiger is on the verge of extinction and international awareness and concern must be mobilized. The hard work, optimism, and complacency generated by two decades of effort to save the tiger in South Asia- must now be urgently re-examined.
The Newsletter is published twice per year by Brian, founder at TFTT, and highlights important events, projects and conservation efforts in saving the wild tiger from extinction. Stay up-to-date with significant news and The Fund’s effective involvements in Asia.
The Newsletter
Community-Based Anti-Poaching Unit
It has become universally agreed upon that successful conservation depends upon the cooperation and participation of local communities around tiger habitat. With the vision of Dr. Bhim Gurung and in partnership with Nepal’s National Trust for Nature Conservation, in 2009 The Fund for The Tiger began funding a community-based anti-poaching unit at Dalla in the southwestern corner of Nepal’s Bardia National Park.
The Bondomobile
Operation Bondomobile was launched in 2011 with the generous support of David Bonderman to create anti-poaching tiger conservation awareness in the fringe villages of Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves. Under the program, WPSI deploys audio-visual awareness vans to raise tiger conservation and anti-poaching awareness in the villages that fringe Central India’s key tiger landscapes.

India: Poaching and Trade